Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Black and the White

From my understanding, every great being who started any one of the earlier stated (previous post) religions simply taught being an overall good person and contributing to society. How many (western) religions have accomplished blowing this simplistic basic belief up to substantial and miraculous sized religions is far beyond the reaches of my own logic. Over many years it seems to have become a race in the western world of which group can build the most successful religion. Many of which use missionaries to convert and teaching techniques feeding on guilt and creating a fear of leaving. It's way too common for these religions to completely focus on the differences of each other and rarely state the beliefs they have in common. These religions have become very black and white. To say a specific religion is 100% correct and that to join any other would risk your place in heaven is completely absurd, especially since many believe in similar concepts of how to live and be (ultimately what matters). If not all, almost every western religion believes the world and everything in it to be imperfect. If that is true, then how is a perfectly true church supposed to exist untouched by mans imperfections and often corruptness?

Although, these religions pride themselves as being substantially different it doesn't matter which one you choose to attend because the end result is always the same, based solely on your accumulated karma. I believe one of the true answers to religion is learning to be your natural, true-self because humans are inherently good (evidence of this is children). My experience of living this way has helped me obtain clarity, comfort, deeper and more blissful meditation, and it has most importantly given me a greater and more sensitive feeling of my own powerful energy that is connected to every living plant, creature, human, God and even the universe (the energy I am referring to is what others may call the spirit, Christs light or unconditional love).

1 comment:

  1. i love this last line:
    "a greater and more sensitive feeling of my own powerful energy that is connected to every living plant, creature, human, God and even the universe (the energy I am referring to is what others may call the spirit, Christs light or unconditional love)."

    it is amazing to know how powerful we each are and to always realize that we are connected to everything and ultimately God & the universe. reading this today was a good reminder for me, thanks :)
