Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Basic Beliefs

I am a sort of Non-theist (at least that's what I call myself), believing there is a God that put this world into motion but doesn't interfere nearly as much as many people believe. The reason we are on this earth is to be ourselves and accomplish what good we can with this little time. Since elementary school I have always believed that all religions lead to God, but it took a long time to discern why. It really doesn't matter to God what religion you are, he just simply wants to see you flourish into a good productive citizen that loves and helps others.

The following religions are ones I have studied and obtained sufficient knowledge of to the point that I can comfortably discuss and refer to individually: Latter Day Saints, Christian, Muslim, Sikhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Shinto. Also, the main eastern philosophies that some consider religions: Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism (I find these three philosophies teach the most similar concepts to what I believe). Including anything else that provides guidance on the path to heaven. The reason it doesn't matter what religion you are is because as long as you love and be your inner child (true self), have good ethics and moral code, love and accept everyone you come in contact with, live in the moment because the past and future don't matter (they only exist in your mind), and most importantly live life daily to the fullest of your ability with no regrets. Simply put as; being an overall good/loving person to yourself and extending this love and goodness you create to all people; including family, society, country, and world.  

1 comment:

  1. Dev everything you mentioned is exactly what you are; loving, true to your self, accepting, & always willing to help others. Way to follow your beliefs brother :) you are amazing!
